Monday, 17 February 2014

Anwar Ibrahim Di Gereja Holy Family Kajang

PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is one bold politician. This afternoon he did yet another controversial move by giving a speech in a church.

Anwar called a gathering at the Holy Family Church hall in Kajang where he talked about fighting racism and this was not his first time giving speeches at churces.

When asked about the controversy that may arise when he chose the Christians holy home as the location of the talk, Anwar replied by saying, "I’ve been giving talks and opinions at churches even when I was in UMNO, and I hope to continue doing it".

At the talk, he was accompanied by his daughter Nurul Izzah and PKR Deputy President Mohamed Azmin Ali, where he spoke in front of some 1200 parishioners and Father George Harrison.

Anwar's speech focused more on the topic of harmony than political issues. He urged Malaysians to dismiss racial issues and focus more on bringing harmony and peace to the country.

Laporan Asal: Malaysian Digest

RMK: Nampaknya senyap je blog-blog pro PR. Agak-agak apa pendapat pemimpin PAS Selangor? 

Saturday, 15 February 2014


FMT LETTER: From Ravinder Singh, via e-mail

“Itu syarikat kafir pun tidak akan buat begini,” vented Dr Aliff Aiman, referring to the recent termination of 20 employees by the PKNS, including himself.

Just who are those that are being called ‘kafirs’? It certainly sounds that he was saying even the non-Muslim companies would not do what a state-owned (Muslim?) company did.

So, non-Muslim are ‘kafirs’? All of them, or just some of them? Why?

The word ‘kafir’ has also been heard over the public address system of masjids. Again, who are the persons being called by this name? To hear this word over the loudspeakers of the masjids could mean that its use is sanctioned by the government as the sermons are vetted by the government.

In today’s context, the word ‘kafir’ is a derogatory word. So, is derogatory name-calling something that is sanctioned by Islam?

A few years back, the Malay novel ‘interlok’ was made compulsory reading for Form 4 school children. It contained the word ‘p****h’ that offended the Indians and created a lot of anger. It was finally removed.

Around that time too, the word ‘k****g’ made the Indian Muslims angry. It was agreed they should not be referred to with this derogatory word, although it was not considered derogatory decades ago.

In the US, the African-Americans used to be called ‘nigger’. This created a furor and the word is not heard nowadays.

There was even a toothpaste under the brand name of ‘Darkie’, with the picture of a dark man wearing a top-hat and showing his teeth. It was manufactured in Shanghai by the Hawley & Hazel Chemical Company.

The Africans found this derogatory and made a hue and cry and in 1989 the name changed to ‘Darlie’ with a different picture of a top-hatted man.

Well, it is time the word ‘kafir’ be removed from the Malaysian vocabulary if we are sincere in wanting to repair the broken bridges between peoples of the different races, religions and cultures that have lived together in harmony for decades.

We can’t have public name-calling by one race or religion of the others and at the same time talk of unity. I don’t think Islam sanctions derogatory name-calling of the non-Muslims.

There is no need for anyone, including the government, to try and justify calling the non-Muslims ‘kafirs’. Just stop doing it.

Would the Unity and National Integration Minister Joseph Kurup please comment on this.


I must say I have to agree with what Ravinder Singh wrote. Nowadays, the use of the word ‘kafir’ against someone (whether Muslim or non-Muslim) is akin to calling that person ‘mother-fucker’. It is not the word itself that is offensive, though, but in what context you use it is that makes it offensive.

For that matter, if a non-Malay were to show a disgusted face in front of a Malay and utter ‘Melayu’, while using the same tone of voice that one would use when you say ‘dog shit’, the word ‘Melayu’ would also be considered an insult — although that Malay may be an anak jati or 100% pure Malay. (I think you know what I am saying here).

In fact, if a Malay were to walk away from, say, a Chinese hawker, after failing to get the discount that he wanted, and utter ‘Cina’ while using a disgusted tone of voice, for sure that Malay meant the word ‘Cina’ as an insult although that Chinese is no doubt Chinese or Cina.

So see how words can be insulting although the word itself is not an insulting word because the insult is in your tone of voice and the look on your face when you use that word.

I doubt, however, the Unity and National Integration Minister, Joseph Kurup, can comment on this, as Ravinder Singh wants him to. I, however, will. And to do that we will need to refer to the 109th chapter of the Qur’an, Surat Al-Kāfirūn (The Disbelievers). This is the sixth chapter from the end (the Qur’an has 114 chapters).

This chapter, which has six verses, starts with the verse Qul ya ayyuha al-kafirun (pronounced Kulya ayuhal kaafiroon), which means, “Say, O disbelievers.” Kafirun or kafir means disbelievers or infidels and is mentioned a few times in the Qur’an in many verses such as 4:101, 9:123, 47:4, 48:29, 66:9, 28:86, 2:191, 9:29, 47:4, etc.

In fact, the Bible, too, makes quite a number of references to infidels or unbelievers and even asks us to smite them. And some Christians will proudly tell you that the bulk (I said bulk, not all) of Islamic teachings come from Christianity, especially the stories of the prophets and of the creation of humankind, etc.

To get the Malaysian government to ban the word kafir or infidel (or removed from the Malaysian vocabulary, as Ravinder Singh demanded) would mean the Qur’an plus the Bible would need to be rewritten. And herein lies the problem.

To the Christians, all those who do not accept Jesus Christ are unbelievers, non-believers or disbelievers and hence infidels or kafir and to the Muslims all those who do not accept Prophet Muhammad are also unbelievers, non-believers or disbelievers and hence infidels or kafir.

There is no way to work around this and any Christian or Muslim who denies this is a bloody liar who has never read or does not understand their own holy books.

Remember at one time when even PAS condemned Umno for collaborating with the kafir MCA, MIC, Gerakan and so on? And now Umno is asking PAS, after labelling Umno as a kafir party, why are they now collaborating with the kafir DAP? And Anwar Ibrahim back in the late 1970s also used to condemn the Umno leaders for their kafir ways and he warned Muslims that those who act like kafir (like wearing coats and ties) become kafir.

The ‘isu kafir-mengkafir’ (as it was called then) started back in the late 1970s when Anwar was heading ABIM and heightened in the 1980s soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister (and Anwar joined Umno) — and when PAS wanted to discredit Umno as being non-Islamic in its perjuangan or struggle.

So, my dear Ravinder Singh, while I agree wholeheartedly with you (especially since many Malays-Muslims have also labelled me as a kafir, which, of course, is meant as an insult) your problem is not that easy to resolve and neither Unity and National Integration Minister Joseph Kurup nor the Malaysian government can do anything about it.

Laporan Asal: Malaysia Today

Mat Tyson Bakal Timbalan MB?

Muhammad son of Muhammad will be assisting the new Selangor Menteri Besar, Anwar Ibrahim, to run the state once Anwar takes over soon after the Kajang by-election. Anwar is proud of the fact that he will be getting a man of vast experience to help him run the state. Maybe Khir Toyo should resign from Umno and join PKR or PAS and also help Anwar and Muhammad run Selangor.

In case you have forgotten, this man with two Muhammads in his name is probably the most colourful Selangor Menteri Besar ever and it was Tun Daim Zainuddin who was instrumental in making Muhammad the Menteri Besar back in 1986. Hence Muhammad was very much a Dr Mahathir-Daim-Anwar crony and who was part of Anwar’s ‘Team Wawasan’ in 1993 when they made their successful move to oust Deputy Prime Minister Tun Abdul Ghafar Baba.

Muhammad also made history as being the first person ever to be acquitted of the charge of smuggling millions in and out of Australia on grounds that he speekee no Inggeris. The Australian court agreed that if you do not speak English then you could not possibly be guilty of any crime.

Muhammad’s most controversial act ever was probably when he eloped with the late Sultan’s daughter (the present Sultan’s sister). When His Highness heard about it he summoned Muhammad for an audience and the latter swore in the name of Allah that all these stories were mere lies and not true at all. Later, of course, it was confirmed that Muhammad had in fact married His Highness’s daughter on the sly.

PAS does not support Anwar becoming the Menteri Besar and they have said so openly. So this is Anwar’s way of seeking a compromise with PAS by making Muhammad, a PAS member, as his ‘helper’. Hence PAS would have some ‘say’ in the Menteri Besar’s office. And with Anwar flying over the world, PAS, through Muhammad, can practically run the state — or so they think.

What Anwar has not told PAS yet, though, and if he did then PAS would jump, is that Anwar is going to create the post of Deputy Menteri Besar and he is going to give this job to Azmin Ali.

We all know that Anwar not only is not a good manager but he is too busy to sit down and run the state with all his jet-setting and international meetings and lectures he has to attend to. Hence, in his absence, and he will be absent for sure, Azmin would become the de facto Menteri Besar cum gatekeeper.

Azmin is quite infamous for his gatekeeper work during the time when Anwar was the Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. This was one of the main grievances that people had against Anwar and Azmin at that time. People not only had to pay Azmin for appointments to meet Anwar but they also had to give him a commission on all successful deals.

So, as Deputy Menteri Besar, Azmin is going to be the de facto Menteri Besar with ‘Mike Tyson’ as his assistant. That is one way of becoming the Menteri Besar, although not it name but certainly in function, by going through the back door.

Anwar will still have a few hurdles to jump over, though.

First would be, although Muhammad son of Muhammad is a PAS member, he is not the party’s choice for Assistant Deputy Menteri Besar. He is merely Anwar’s choice and Anwar is selecting him while bypassing PAS and without consultation with the party.

If Anwar wants an Assistant Deputy Menteri Besar, PAS has other candidates in mind, people without the baggage that Muhammad is carrying. And this has made PAS furious. PAS feels there are other more senior and qualified leaders from PAS Selangor to choose from.

Secondly, the idea of Deputy Menteri Besar has been mooted before and His Highness had rejected the proposal. I doubt that His Highness would agree to the idea now when he was against it in the past.

If Anwar is too busy to run Selangor and he needs a Deputy Menteri Besar and an Assistant Deputy Menteri Besar to help him, then this means Anwar should not become the Menteri Besar. And in the event that Anwar does not agree to allow Khalid Ibrahim to complete his term, or agree to someone from PAS taking over as Menteri Besar, then it is within the constitutional powers of His Highness the Sultan to dissolve the Selangor State Assembly so that fresh elections can be called.

Laporan Asal: Malaysia Today

RMK: Mat Tyson Bakal Jadi Timbalan MB? Anwar Perlu Kemahiran Bekas UMNO? Hahaha apa nak hairan, dia pun bekas UMNO juga. Mungkin Khir Toyo pun boleh jadi MB balik kalau masuk PAS kahkahkah.

Kasihan PAS, makin diperkudakan Anwar dan kuncu-kuncunya. Kasihan Mat Tyson, tak pandai speek inggeris. Kasihan Azmin, makin malap impian nak jadi MB Selangor. Kasihan PKR, kepimpinan tertinggi makin celaru. Kasihan rakyat Selangor, terpaksa lalui sarkas politik Pakatan Rakyat!

Friday, 14 February 2014

Majlis Perbandaran Kajang Beri Alasan Tiada Duit Urus Sampah












Anwar Juga Mudah Lupa?

Maka kaum itu pun bergelak tawa bersama Anwar Ibrahim tanpa sedar mereka hanyalah alat bagi merealisasikan perjuangan serta cita-cita politiknya yang kian malap. Tapi mungkin juga mereka rela diperalatkan kerana ada imbuhan yang dijanjikan.

Bila Anwar turun memberi ceramah dan menggunakan lagu ‘Anak Kecil Main Api’ yang sinonim dengan Biro Tata Negara (BTN) (sila lihat video atas) rata-rata yang terhibur mendengar jenaka yang selari dengan kemahuan mereka – kebenaran untuk mempersoal hak keistimewaan orang Melayu.
Namun harus diingat bahawa Anwar adalah antara minda di belakang BTN.

Apabila video (sila lihat video atas) yang memaparkan Anwar mempertahankan kewujudan BTN serta kenyataan berbaur perkauman dengan memanggil kaum bukan Melayu sebagai pendatang dan pendatang ini tiada hak sama sekali untuk mempersoal tentang hak-hak keistimewaan orang Melayu, Anwar pantas membidas dengan berkata bahawa dia hanya berbuat demikian bagi mempertahankan kedudukannya di dalam Umno pada ketika itu.

Anwar melihat ada keperluan atau ‘terpaksa’ untuk menjadi rasis bagi mempertahankan kedudukannya dan terus kekal di dalam Umno bererti Anwar sanggup melakukan apa saja asalkan dia sentiasa punya kuasa.

Dan setiap apa yang dilakukan oleh Anwar hari ini, sudah pasti hanya untuk tujuan yang demikian. Perjuangan untuk rakyat apa yang Anwar maksudkan jika dia sebagai individu sendiri sering berubah-ubah mengikut keadaan seperti sesumpah.

Tidak mustahil sekiranya Anwar memegang kuasa yang lebih besar dari sekadar Ketua Umum parti (Menteri Besar?) dia sanggup tunduk dan patuh kepada sesiapapun asal dapat terus berada di atas. Pendek kata, jika kena paluan gendangnya, Anwar akan ikut menari bersama.

Oleh yang demikian juga, dengan pembohongan demi pembohongan yang keluar dari mulut Anwar, umum boleh beranggapan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat adalah gabungan parti-parti pembohong kerana jika mengikut keperluan dan tingkah laku Anwar, maka itulah konklusinya.

Menjadi rasis untuk berada dalam parti rasis, menjadi pembohong untuk parti pembohong. Jadi, bila Anwar memilih untuk menggunakan BTN sebagai alat bagi menjatuhkan parti lawan, ianya menyerlahkan lagi keperibadian Anwar sebagai pakar manipulasi yang sangat bijak menggunakan peluang bagi kepentingan dirinya.

Dia tahu dengan berbuat demikian, kaum bukan Melayu – terutamanya di Kajang sekarang ini – akan melihat Anwar sebagai anti perkauman dan ‘pemimpin’ yang adil dalam memperjuangkan hak kesaksamaan.

Apa yang mereka tidak sedar adalah, pada Anwar, mereka hanyalah alat yang mudah dipergunakan untuk memastikan Anwar Ibrahim terus relevan.

Saat mereka ikut ketawa bila Anwar berjenaka, mereka lupa bahawa Anwar adalah orang yang sama, yang pernah meletakkan kedudukan mereka di bawah tapak kakinya. Mungkin inilah kelebihan berdiri dalam barisan pembangkang, segala kesilapan dan kesalahan mereka yang sebelumnya dilupakan dan diampunkan malah dilihat sebagai seorang penyelamat.

Persoalannya sekarang, adakah mereka ini bergembira kerana lawak BTN Anwar atau mereka gembira kerana akhirnya Anwar ‘menyanyi’ mengikut rentak lagu yang mereka mahukan?

Laporan Asal: Free Malaysia Today

RMK: Kalau dah namanya pun Raja Putar Belit, kenapa masih ada yang mahu mempercayai kata-kata Anwar? Pembohongan demi pembohongan, manipulasi demi manipulasi. Tujuan hanya satu: menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Para pengundi DUN Kajang, inilah masa anda mengajar Raja Putar Belit ini. Tunjukkan kebijaksanaan anda dan tolak sesumpah lidah bercabang ini!