Wednesday 20 August 2014


Hanya yang 'ini' sahaja diiktiraf Keluarga Lim.
Tidak sopan dan biadap, as the Malays would say. I think the opposition and opposition NGOs and lawyers are getting too big for their shoes. They think that just because they won the state in 2008 and 2013 they no longer need to be civil towards the Palace.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng are both firing away until today with both guns blazing to demand that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim resign from his post. This is in spite of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor’s very clear and very precise titah (royal command) for Khalid to not do anything or say anything until HRH is back in Malaysia on 27th August 2014.

What is wrong with these people? Why do they insist that Khalid resign today itself and leave Selangor without a Menteri Besar for the next 11 days or so? Are they saying that Selangor can function for the next 11 days without the need of a chief executive? Who will be running the state then? The Selangor Religious Department?

Or do they think that if Khalid resigns today then Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail can just walk into Khalid’s vacated office this Monday and start work as the new Menteri Besar of Selangor without the Sultan’s blessing and without having to be sworn in?

What if Khalid does resign today and Selangor is left without a Menteri Besar for the next 11 days and when HRH returns on the 27th he does not consent to Dr Wan Azizah taking over as the new Menteri Besar?

HRH might reject Dr Wan Azizah (you never know) and send Pakatan Rakyat home and ask them to come back later with two or three alternative names. Pakatan Rakyat will then have to call for a meeting and PKR, DAP and PAS will have to discuss the matter of the two or three other names and come to a consensus on the matter.

What if Pakatan Rakyat cannot reach a consensus and this disagreement drags on for another few weeks or even months? Who will be running Selangor in the meantime?

And even if Pakatan Rakyat does come to a consensus and agree on two or three alternative names but when these names are handed to HRH there is still the possibility that HRH would reject these names and ask Pakatan Rakyat to go home and come back, yet again, with alternative names.

Demanding that Khalid resign immediately without resolving the next step — that is, who will take over when he does resign — does not appear to be the type of thinking of sensible politicians.

Or do they think that once Khalid resigns and Selangor is left without a Menteri Besar for the next 11 days HRH can be pressured into just accepting Dr Wan Azizah without further ado because a gun would now be at HRH’s head.

I doubt HRH can be blackmailed in that manner. HRH might just dissolve the Selangor state assembly seeing that the state no longer has a Menteri Besar for almost two weeks. What makes you think HRH can be blackmailed into accepting Dr Wan Azizah?

And all this talk by opposition leaders, NGOs, lawyers, etc., that Khalid lied to HRH and Khalid deceived HRH, and so on, is an insult to HRH. Are you suggesting that HRH is stupid and gullible? Are you saying that HRH does not have a brain in his head and Khalid can just pull the wool over HRH’s eyes and be taken for a ride and treated like a sucker?

This allegation actually hurts HRH more than it hurts Khalid. The opposition leaders, NGOs, lawyers, etc., are insinuating that Selangor has a stupid bumpkin for a Sultan.

I would be very careful about this continuous insult against HRH lest HRH decides to refuse all requests for an audience until and unless all these people prostrate with their heads to the ground and beg forgiveness for their uncouth and arrogant comments.

And stop telling the Sultan to fuck off by demanding Khalid’s resignation. It is HRH who told Khalid to stay.

Tidak sopan dan biadap, as the Malays would say. I think the opposition and opposition NGOs and lawyers are getting too big for their shoes. They think that just because they won the state in 2008 and 2013 they no longer need to be civil towards the Palace.

Well, in that case, think again.

*Bila dah tiada ISA, Akta Hasutan pun nak dimansuh, makin melampau pulak puak kiasu ni.

RMK :  DAPigs ni mmg biaDAP..pemimpin mcm ni ke yg kite nak utk mentadbir negeri Selangor? or even negara Malaysia sendiri? bila sesuatu yg die nak tu x kesampaian, Sultan pon boleh die bulldozekan je...bukalah mata n hati kamu wahai org2 melayu




It appears that Anwar’s big brother, the US, is fed up with his antics in Malaysia. At first the US were supportive of the Malaysian opposition leader, thinking he was a better ally than the Malaysian government. However, the Obama administration recently have been distancing themselves from their once upon a time ‘darling.’
Abraham Lincoln once said that if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Anwar was given power and he failed the test miserably. Instead of proving to Malaysians that he was a better option than the current government, he proved to everyone that he was not only incompetent, but also a hypocrite and corrupt. All those accusations that he flung at the ruling coalition, he was guilty of himself. He claims that the the ruling coalition are greedy bastards who practice nepotism. Yet, in his own political party, his wife is the president and his daughter is the vice-president, and he is the puppet behind the two of them, his justification is that they are a team. So when others do it it’s nepotism, but when Anwar Ibrahim does it it’s called a team. Seriously? He was even accused by his former friend and supporter, Zaid Ibrahim, a respected Malaysian lawyer, of rigging internal elections. Remember Anwar, when you point one finger at someone else there is four pointing back at you.
You see when an American politician screws up in his private life or with his family through a sex scandal or a divorce. The family will come out with the truth, apologize, and stand by each other. Anwar Ibrahim’s family is riddled with scandal from Anwars’s sodomy scandal to his married daughter’s alleged affair with another married man. Instead of standing together and coming out with the truth, to this day Anwar’s wife has refused to comment or acknowledge her husband’s scandal. His daughter, an adulterer, who is the vice-president of his political party, also refuses to comment about her impending divorce with her husband of 10 years. According to Anwar’s daughter, it was no one’s business but hers. Let’s take a moment to digest that, Anwar’s daughter is the vice-president of a political party, therefore making her a political figure, thus a public figure. I am not sure how it is done in Malaysia, but in the rest of the world, the lives of public figures, ESPECIALLY politicians are an open book. People deserve to know the intimate details of the lives of the people they are voting for. By not being honest with her people about her life, she is lying to them. Here’s a message for you NurulIzzah, it is their business, it’s everyone’s business, that’s the price of power, and if you could not handle it then you should not have taken the position.
Another reason we are fed up with Anwar Ibrahim, is that he is self-destructive. His greed and ambition are causing his political party to self implode. He keeps on saying that it’s all a smear campaign against him. When asked why he did not want to provide the courts with a sample of his DNA to prove his innocence? His answer – it’s a smear campaign. Actually he was scared that the truth would come out, Anwar Ibrahim’s scandalous ways are genetic. Apparently, Anwar Ibrahim was born out of a scandalous affair between his father, Hj Ibrahim, and a nurse. Guess the apple doesn’t fall so far from the tree after all. When Zaid Ibrahim spoke out against him? It was a smear campaign. When there was a petition to the Obama Administration sent by B’nai B’rith International asking the government to cut all ties with Anwar Ibrahim for his anti-Semitic comments. Yep, you guessed it – smear campaign. To Anwar Ibrahim he is a martyr, it’s him against the world. But come one man, how many times are you going to play the victim card. Seriously, come up with something new.
So in the Ibrahim family, Daddy’s sex maniac and a greedy moron who can’t keep it in his pants long enough to actually run a state and a political party. Daughter dearest is an adulterer, which according to hudud law, which is an extreme version of Islamic law that her father wants to implement by cohorting with the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party, means she should be stoned to death. So where is mommy dearest in all this? As President of the political party surely she has a lot to say about the state of her family and her husband’s indiscretion. Surely she stood by her man and vehemently denied that he was not a bad guy and that she still loved him. Nope. Apparently mommy dearest hasn’t even bothered to watch her husbands sex tape. When asked about her husbands little affair with the prostitute, she told the media that she married Anwar because she had a dream of his face being on election posters. Wait. What? She didn’t even answer the question!! Was she high during the interview? People are asking her about her husband’s sex scandal and she’s taking a trip down memory lane? What is up with this family??
Hey Malaysia, do you really want your first family to be this family. I mean you have so many families to choose from! Hell, even the Adams Family and the Kardashians would make a better first family. Guys, get your heads out of the sand, we did, and we realized that your opposition leaders are whack jobs.


Panas! dokumen rasmi Kajang Move tersebar!


Monday 18 August 2014


Isu perlembagaan Negeri Selangor 

Siapakah yang bakal menggantikan TS Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar sememangnya menarik. Walauapapun, kita perlu merujuk kepada Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor (UUTNS) untuk mencari jawapannya.

Menurut pendapat pengamal undang undang iaitu tiada satu perenggan pun di dalam UUTNS yang menyatakan bahawa seorang menteri besar itu perlu lahir dan membesar di Negeri Selangor. Ianya merupakan satu “convention” yang difahami oleh semua orang. Tetapi dari sudut undang-undang kita perlu sedar bahawa di dalam Perkara 51 UUTNS telah dinyatakan syarat-syarat untuk seseorang itu layak untuk menjadi Menteri Besar di Negeri Selangor. 

Perkara 51 UUTNS menyatakan bahawa hanya Yang Amat Mulia Paduka Sultan Selangor mempunyai kuasa untuk melantik Menteri Besar. Perkara 51 (2) pula menyatakan bahawa seorang Menteri Besar itu hendaklah dari bangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam. 

Tidak dinyatakan pula di dalam mana-mana peruntukkan bahawa hanya “anak kelahiran Selangor” sahaja yang berkelayakan untuk menjadi Menteri Besar. Tetapi ianya boleh dikira sebagai pilihan Sultan bahawa Menteri Besar yang ingin dilantik oleh Baginda mestilah rakyat yang lahir di dalam negeri Selangor. Perkara yang sama juga tertakluk kepada Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, hanya Islam & Melayu sahaja yang dinyatakan.

Namun apa yang menarik di dalam UUTNS ialah perenggan dibawah Perkara 53 (3) dimana ia menyatakan bahawa Menteri Besar tidak boleh dipilih dari kalangan warganegara Malaysia yang memiliki kewarganegaraan secara “naturalisasi” dan juga kewarganegaraan mengikut Perkara 17 Perlembagaan Malaysia. 

Perkara 17 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia (yang telah dipinda) menyatakan kewarganegaraan seseorang semasa beliau sedang bermastautin di Malaysia ketika hari merdeka 31 Ogos 1957. 

Terma “naturalisasi” mempunyai banyak penterjemahan. Kebanyakkan negara yang mengambil pendekatan bahawa sekiranya seseorang itu lahir di negara lain dan berdaftar sebagai warganegara mereka akan dikira sebagai warganegara yang telah di”naturalisasi”kan. Naturalisasi berlaku samada dengan tindakan ataupun dengan tiada tindakan. Contohnya apa yang berlaku di Soviet Union (USSR) yang merupakan satu empayar besar sebelum berakhirnya Perang Dingin. Seorang rakyat Soviet Union yang lahir di Uzbekistan tetapi setelah USSR berpecah beliau menetap di Turkemenistan. Maka beliau di neutralisasikan di Turkemenistan yang merdeka dan menjadi rakyat di sana. Orang ini dikira sebagai warganegara yang telah di”neutralisasi”. 

Perkara yang sama berlaku di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu apabila perpecahan berlaku sebelum dan selepas pembentukkan Malaysia. Kita semua tahu bahawa Brunei dan Singapura adalah kedua-duanya pernah atau ingin menganggotai Persekutuan Malaysia. Sekiranya rakyat yang lahir di negara-negara ini ingin menjadi warganegara, mereka akan melalui satu proses Naturalisasi yang membenarkan mereka untuk menjadi warga Malaysia yang sah.

Jabatan Pendaftaran Malaysia juga telah menetapkan bahawa warganegara yang yang datang dari proses seperti ini ditandakan sebagai nombor 71 di dalam kad pengenalan mereka. Bukan kerana diskriminasi, tetapi mungkin ada atas sebab-sebab keselamatan tindakan ini dilaksanakan. No 71 juga ditandakan kepada semua warganegara Malaysia yang lahir di luar negara.

Berbalik kepada isu diatas, kedua-dua “calon Menteri Besar” ini mempunyai nombor 71 tertera di dalam kad pengenalan mereka. Mereka adalah produk naturalisasi kewargaan negara. Kita sudah mengetahui bahawa perlantikkan Menteri Besar Selangor perlu mematuhi UUTNS dan juga perkenan Yang Amat Mulia Sultan Selangor. Apakah perlantikkan pada kali ini bakal melanggar bukan sahaja UUTNS dan juga bakal mengundang murka Sultan dengan membelakangkan pilihan baginda?


Friday 15 August 2014


Teng Chang Khim
Dr Halimah Ali disifatkannya sebagai “tidak boleh dipercayai dan munafik”
(Malaysiakini) – Krisis politik Selangor memasuki episod baru hari ini apabila bekas exco Datuk Teng Chang Khim mula membuka pekung dalam pentadbiran Selangor dengan melancarkan serangan ke atas anggota exco PAS yang masih setia pada Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Beliau mensasarkan serangannya pada exco hal ehwal pendidikan, Dr Halimah Ali yang disifatkannya sebagai “tidak boleh dipercayai dan munafik” kerana didakwa berpura-pura tidak tahu mengenai rancangan Khalid untuk membubar DUN.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, beliau juga membangkitkan isu pemberian peruntukan untuk sekolah persendirian Cina di Selangor yang didakwanya dilengah-lengahkan oleh anggota exco tersebut.
Dakwanya, bermula dari tahun 2009, empat sekolah Cina persendirian di Selangor mendapat peruntukan automatik dari kerajaan negeri sebanyak RM2 juta setiap tahun.
Namun bermula tahun ini, dakwanya, sekolah-sekolah itu diminta mengisi borang untuk mendapat peruntukan tersebut dan dikenakan pelbagai syarat.
“Ada beberapa contoh sebelum ini, antaranya sekolah-sekolah Cina persendirian dijanjikan peruntukan (dari kerajaan negeri) tetapi beliau melengah-lengahkan pemberian peruntukan itu,” kata Teng.
Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu mengulas kenyataan Halimah pagi ini yang mendakwa tidak tahu menahu tentang kenyataan Teng berkenaan pembubaran DUN.
Teng semalam mendakwa beliau mendapat ‘khabar’ dari sumber tertinggi yang Khalid akan membubarkan DUN dalam masa terdekat.
“Saya tidak tahu menahu tentang perkara itu,” kata Halimah sewaktu ditemui wartawan pagi tadi sebelum memasuki pejabatnya di bangunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK).

RMK : Mcm mane nak ade pakatan kalo antara parti-parti di dalamnya pon tak boleh nk sepakat?
lepas ni ape lagi la pekung yg akan dibuka lagi..kite tungguuu~